Sunday, September 23, 2012


write a really vague post.

i like the way you don't even try, but yet seem to captivate me with everything you do.

you hurt me so much then, but now i'm different. and youre still you, so i got the better deal.

youre quiet. but loud.

i've known you since birth. and we may be different and like different things, but yet we're the same person.
& you've taught me so many things.

i love how we're so spontaneous together; i'll miss you.

i love the way i make fun of you, and you reward me with banana treats.

i'm naming my child after you.
i love the way i can be completely honest with you
& you never judge me for it.

i love the way you call me em.

i love the way we go off into tangents about life, but our best conversations are when we just sit there
side by side.

youre mysterious and weird. and i never know what i feel about you.

-well that was fiendi.