Sunday, September 7, 2014

Sunday Feels

Sundays are the best. Relaxation, remembering your covenants, and reflecting on what you do better this upcoming week. 

You rock,


Friday, September 5, 2014

What is good? What's poppin'

Well ever since school has started I've had a bit more time to myself! 

Well except for last week... Haha I hung out with my mains last Saturday. We went to see "If I Stay" which was so good. I had read the book and actually saw it earlier that week... But we still all bawled. So good and Adam's smokin

After drying our eye ducts we headed over to the cutest little cafe. We ordered our food and chit chatted like normal women. Austi's meal was the best. On the menu it was named three cheeses. Lol when it came out it was literally just cold cheese and little pieces of ham stuffed into a sandwich. Me and Marth died. Well I died, and Martha offered Austi her sandwich like five times. 

After finishing up our dinner we obviously had to order dessert. Austi and Marth both ordered the famous Nutella Shake and I ordered the classic strawberry and Nutella crepe. Diiiiivine

Skip forward to today. 

Shots. Shots. Shots.

Those three little nasties were worth it cause look what is real!
Ahhhh!!! Can my call just come in the mail?! So excited to see where the next year and a half of my life will take me. 

God is good. 



Thursday, September 4, 2014

Long time no post.

Holy cats. Life is crazy. But it's oh so good. 

This summer was probably the most eventful summer of my lifetime. And no I didn't travel far. Honestly. The farthest I went was probably two hours away. None the less, this was one of my craziest and favorite of summers. 

I made so many new friends! My new singles ward was my own little safe haven. So many fantastic people meet together in that old red brick building every Sunday. 

I got called as a second counselor of the relief society for this ward. When I was first called I was scared out of my pants. First of all, I'm literally the youngest person in this ward. Second, I know nobody. Fact- I sat by myself every week. When I was sitting across the room from the stake relief society second counselor my first week of being called she looked at me and said is there anything you're nervous about? 

I looked up and said honestly Sister Whitman I feel awkward reaching out to people because I still feel like people should be reaching out to me. The words that came out of her mouth changed my perspective from there on. She looked at me and said then you go out there and be the person you'd wished would've approached you. 

That calling ended being my favorite calling of all time. I grew to love all these girls so much. I wanted to help out in anyway that I could. I loved going to church each Sunday and looking over at all the bright smiling sisters. 

At the end of June we went up to my bishops cabin in Schofield. And when I say cabin I really just mean wooden mansion. This was my favorite weekend of all time. I finally let my guard down and was my crazy super spazzing wacky self. Woah, no one saw it coming. Ha, Emily put that away. I pretty much attached myself to the first counselor's hip who just so happened to be Martha. She was my saving grace. We did everything together. We bonded over slo mo videos, Harry Potter, and watermelon. The next day Martha's best friend, who also happens to be the relief society president, Austi came up to the cabin. I was always kinda scared to be friends with them because they already seemed inseparable (turns out I was right. I'm just that annoying friend that tries to put her two cents in every so often.) Lo and behold 24 hours later we're the best of friends. We all went horse back riding, shooting, and planned that evenings game all. Austi even felt comfortable enough to push me down the stairs, so I mean the friendship progress was real. 
That night me and Austi stayed up till two in the morning. We just talked and talked about EVERYTHING. I was in literal awe with Austi's answers and stories. We would've probably talked through the night if our trusty friend Grace didn't call us out for talking at two in the morning. Sorry to keep you up!

Moving on to July. Oh July, you really did start out with a bang didn't you? Let's just say that after the second week of July I had been sleeping over at Martha's and Austi's houses. They later got nicknamed my Mama Marth and Aunt Austi. And yes I still call them by these names:) I moved out to Provo a week later in the perfect complex. 

Later in the month of August Austi moved. Before her big move we had a music night. Probably one of my favorite memories from the summer. All my favorite people, good music, and even bigger laughs. 
I bought my first guitar, learned my first song, and bought my first personalized guitar strap. 

I really gained my motivation back this summer. Which was awesome. I feel like I haven't been truly self motivated ever since my beginning year as a senior year in high school. 

I dyed my virgin hair! What. Biggest life changer right? Haha it was a big deal for me though. 

Being isolated from my family and most friends I dug deep and decided that the mission life was my next step. I know what? I never thought a mission would fit into my life plans. But God sure showed me. I honestly can say though I've never been so excited to get out of little ole Utah to go serve. I am not saying I did this but. Okay I did, I literally watched two hours of YouTube videos of sisters opening up their mission calls. I know, I'm a nerd. I've also spent loads of time stalking down missionary blogs, outfits, and tackling my PMG. I submit my papers next week and I am pumped! 

Guys, life is so so crazy. But it's so awesome. I've never been happier. God lives and loves you. Do something crazy. Dye your virgin hair, move out, and get your own phone bill. It's the best way to really get to know yourself and grow. 

Love times a thousand, 


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

meet the co-workers.

I drew an outline of desk placement to help everyone out a bit. The Lines represent the walls between each person. And when I say wall I really just mean a flimsy 4ft tall flimsy barrier. The gray rectangles represent where our computers or rather where our bodies are facing most of the day. I forgot to mention I work in answering customer service taking phone calls and then basically transferring them. hahah, click! anyway not important. The basis is for you to take a glimpse into each of my co-worker's personalities......

In the top left we have Tina. OH, Tina. She's the tiniest little woman with the thickest glasses. She used to sit in the spot to her left but the air vent above her was keeping her too cold.  I'm guessing she's in her early fifties. She's usually pretty quite but when she's heard she has the BEST laugh and tries to get Wyoming Boy and Crazy eyed Tom to laugh while taking phone calls. One time a customer called because his swiper wasn't working and Tina exclaimed, "Swiper no Swipey?" We all died. Her nick name is Tina basically because Crazy Eyed Tom named her Tina...He literally picked it up from Napoleon Dynamite. I overheard them talking to each other and Tina has never even seen ND. She doesn't even know the famous llama she's named after....what a pity.

Next we have Wyoming Boy. He's in his late twenties and is such the hick from WY.  He never fails to remind us telling funny/hickish stories about his parent's ranch up in Wyoming. He travels to Wyoming almost every weekend after work. He is surprisingly crafty and definitely the most witty. I don't know if there's a serious bone in his body. You would never guess since outwardly he comes off  fairly intimidating. He may be the hick of the group, but he really is just a big teddy bear. In my spare time I like to chuck rolled up sticky notes and chuck them at WY boy. I'd consider him the older brother role in the work area.

Crazy Eyed Tom: Tom could have so many nicknames. He's definitely the MOST outspoken. In his early thirties...I think he has two lazy eyes i'm not sure...But he's always SUPER DUPER enthusiastic or extremely  pissed off. Lucky for us he's usually pretty enthusiastic. Tom has me thinking that I have met someone who claps more than even myself (crazy, I know!) He also will give you high fives like it's his job and repeatedly tell you how awesome you are. Unless you wear your "I love Coke" shirt then he will then tell you how you must be screwy in the head. He's definitely one of those weird Pepsi fans. When Tom's out of the office it's definitely noticeable. He never afraid to toot his own horn. He kept on telling me how great of a baker he was and so on...and I said Tom, I don't believe you. (jokingly of course.) This scored me into tricking Tom to bake me one of his famous peanut butter bars to prove me wrong. ;) Haha, I can't wait to be proved wrong.

Krazie, Chatty, KATHY- This woman never stops talking. In all honestly though she's a very sweet person but definitely brings her quirks to the table. I feel as if she is one of those 5 year old girls stuck in a adult body (brings her gameboy to work...she's in her 30's)....She LOVES to share her candy/chocolate. Also, we're pretty sure chatty kathy has super speedy legs and is always on breaks. Gotta love her. She also, definitely wins the prize for best phone voice.

To my left we have Just Ron (26). He doesn't get a cool nickname yet because he's still new to the job. He could be called Junkie Ron (Adrenaline Junkie). Simply because he worked for the national guard and would jump out of airplanes and crazy things like that. He also tore his ACL playing a game of soccer/football who knows...but he lives for the Adrenaline rush.

To my right we have Turtle Neck Guy (20). I call him this because he always comes to work with multiple hickeys on his neck--without fail. He wears hoodies everyday to try and cover it up, but it never helps. Other than his hickeys though he can be one of the funnest coworkers. He joins me in singing the songs stuck in my head whether it's a theme song from an old disney channel show or Avril's Keeeeep Holding On. He gave me a dollar once to talk to someone in my british accent for the entire call. Today I earned three dollars by beating him guessing heads/tails for coin flipping...(yes, we were that bored). He also tries to scare me every five seconds and fails miserably every time. After scarring me for like the third time without a reaction he'll just look at me and say, "not even a little?" I usually say nope! But sometimes I'll say yes hoping that he'll stop trying so hard...EVERY two minutes...not exaggerating. Also, turtle neck guy stood up today and I couldn't believe how tall he was! sitting down on a chair all day can really trip you out. Apparently he's 6' 5'' more than a foot taller than me!

Working with all these crazies- including myself- of course makes for a rare dull moment. We're a crazy work family with such different personalities, but somehow it seems to all work out...(I put those periods there because by saying that I'm dooming myself for bad luck.) haven't had to the urge to quit yet!
