Monday, March 26, 2012

emily white.

with the easy win for the mia award today.
laughing so hard right now.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Oh the KP.

walking behind KP on her way to P.E.
Tap her backpack.
don't even get me in that MOOD.
i don't wanna go to class. *crying*

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Longest Mia EVER

Can I just say that church was the looooongest Mia ever? I mean all I needed was the hat and I am her.

Also, found this little gem on the cam today.

Hair...Voltaire...I want to learn about Voltaire
Ooooooh mamma Mia
I think it looks really sweet Mia

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Monday, March 5, 2012

4 way mia.

when you see KP at a 4 way stop, and just stare at her until she finally notices you.
because after all, you are invisible.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Stored Moments

The following are moments from my phone that I saved so that my dear lil oprah could hear them later.

Gretel: (As she flips the end of my nose back and forth) *sigh* I can't do that to myself.

Emily: *playing catch phrase* STRAWBERRIES *Fiend hand hits*

*miming wedding ring*

*miming scissors*

KP moment at freeway. As she realizes that she is abou to enter the freeway once the light turns green. She panics and then turns to the window and pounds on it trying to get the other drivers attention. "PLEAS LET ME OVER!! I HAVE TO GET OVER!! ANYBODY PLEASSEE!" Might have been the funniest thing ever.